Really great lighting talk! For sure one of the best in this edition of CodeteCon. I find it interesting also for non-technical people who want to dive into testing. Well done!
Short but fair introduction to Android O.
Very soft presentation. It is hard to rate it as it represents speaker's thoughts and ideas. I didn't get too much from it but I can imagine that it could help someone.
Good presentation. I wish there was more real examples and implementations of patterns that make micro services easier to manage.
Good presentation but it could be better if there were less time for tools description and more time for discussion and conclusions.
Ta prezentacja zasługuje na miejsce numer jeden. Duża dawka wiedzy przedstawiona w bardzo przystępny sposób. Podróż do korzeni jak najbardziej udana :) Widać, że firma ma mega duży potencjał. Liczę na jeszcze lepsze prezentacje w kolejnej edycji!