Talk comments

This talk was amazing considering this was one of the first times you gave a talk! I really would have never imagined. You were able to transmit the philosophy behind Sulu, show how mature the solution is (including a demo), and answer all questions.

It was much longer than a lightning talk, so if you plan on giving it in the future I would recommend paying more attention to that. But for me that wasn't a problem at all! Great job.

This is the first talk I heard about GDPR that's given from a developer's point of view. So everything that was said was relevant to me. I hope to hear more talks like these about practical ways of dealing with the GDPR requirements, there should be much more of that!

Geert put at 11:02 on 18 Dec 2017

Great talk. Very good insights into the matter and awesome tips about practical implementation

Geert put at 11:01 on 18 Dec 2017

Very nice talk , maybe a tad heavy on the configuration side :)