Talk comments

Excellent talk, I'm really glad I got to see Pedro speak. The subject covered the things that everyone who will be working with Drupal 8 should really be interested in.

Talk was ok but not really professional enough for an opening keynote which is a real shame.

Good funny and made me start on the first rung of the ladder

Anonymous at 10:21 on 26 Nov 2013

It got kind of strange in the "adoration" phase where the presenters cuddled the images of the software creators, akward.

This was a great talk for me, because I'm trying to set jenkins up to automate numerous "things" on my dev -> production sites. From testing to patching/ updating, etc. Philip delivered his talk very eloquently and with an obvious practical understanding of how to set up and use jenkins for testing. The best bit for me was explaining about how you only need test your own code, not the entire install. I'm sure Phil will follow up his talk helping some of the user group he runs set this up on their respective local dev' environments.

This was a very popular talk, and really satisfied my techi' within. The beauty of Drush Make and it's uses and possibilities were proficiently explained, and has further highlighted my hunger to get more out of something that is clearly more powerful than my tinkerings have shown.

Very well presented, and has changed how I will design forms from now on. So, I guess a great and effective talk.

Fantastically presented Git talk! I too loved the rally for people to get involved in and contribute.

Excellent talk well presented with humour yet professionalism and clearly a strong subject knowledge.