Talk comments

Too basic for me, but I guess that's because I already knew about imageoptim, gzip compression, etc...
Clear voice, you knew your presentation well.

Downscale it on the Sales (and definitely not the use sales video's) and more demo of how it actually works. I understand sales is a reason of standing there, but it should not be giving me the feeling that I just watch one big commercial for 45 minutes.

Complements on your speaking skills, they are good.

To bad the intro was so long, you had to hurry when talking about the responsive key learnings. What he sead in a short notice about the 6 key learnings could have become interesting with more time or less intro.

It was nice as an introduction to the topic, giving pointers on the good and bad. I would have loved some pointers for actual implementation details (ie. coding) though, shame it was skipped...

Anonymous at 18:49 on 28 Jun 2014

There was not much talk about responsive web design in this talk, it felt like it was mostly about gadgets. The speaker probably already know this, but he should have focussed a bit more about those 6 key learnings promised in the title. For a time there, i thought i attended the wrong talk.

Since you skipped past the responsive part of the talk in a hurry - would you mind sharing your slides so we could take a closer look ourselves?

Very interesting content, delivered well. Even for a non Objective-C dev, I found this extremely useful.

Anonymous at 14:32 on 28 Jun 2014

Very interesting talk, well presented.

Anonymous at 13:00 on 28 Jun 2014

I found this talk very informative and thanks to it I've taken a lot of notes about APIs I want to study.

Lee is very good about handling questions and speaking clearly. I was hoping to get more information about HTML5 mobile development workflow issues generally, versus just how Sencha/ExtJS works. I feel like if Lee's material was a bit more general that there would have been more engagement by the audience. (That is, I think she is a good speaker, but that the material was too constrained.)