Serverless systems allow us to concentrate solely on our code and let the provider deal with infrastructure. In this tutorial we will build a serverless PHP application and deploy to the cloud. I'll cover how to design, build and deploy for serverless platforms, and how to use an API gateway to turn incoming HTTP requests into events that trigger those serverless functions.

Over the course of our time together, we'll build a small, complete serverless microservice that showcases the key features of a serverless application.By the end of the tutorial, you'll be well placed to design and build your own serverless applications that are more than mere curiosities.

What you'll learn from this tutorial:
* How serverless is the way to build apps in the future
* Serverless application architecture and design
* How to build a serverless application


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Janna Hilferty at 18:19 on 7 Jun 2019

As a DevOps engineer I really liked this perspective to see how to programmatically control creation and updating of AWS features with bref. Thanks for sharing and making the talk easily understandable for all experience levels.