This was an very well-structured, and well-delivered talk around the key points to be aware of, and standards and tools to use when creating APIs. It covered quite a few things that I had been meaning to learn for some time, so it was great to have them covered, saving me the time of having to find the information on my own. Well worth listening to.
Really enjoyed the talk as it was sufficiently technical in nature, well structured, and well explained Made for some interesting information about what's coming down the, proverbial, pipeline.
A good talk with lots of information about the upcoming 3.0 release, as well as the interim releases. Good to see that live demos can work. Well worth a listen to hear about what's coming up, what some of the impediments to progress have been, along with some of the technical limitations in PHP that make Xdebug development challenging.
The talk, while not as technical as I'd have hoped, did an excellent job of covering a number of the global pieces of privacy legislation, why they're important to respect as part of a standard development process, and the differences between the European and American mindsets. It was especially helpful to hear some of the cultural reasons which underpin the different attitudes to privacy across the Atlantic (and in the countries which have strong European heritage).
This is easily one of the best keynotes that I've listened to. It was a relaxed, professional, and polished presentation, and extremely well structured. It had a lot of timeless advice which ties in with my own findings. Very valuable and I got a lot out of it.
I really liked the pretty high level view on the cultural differences between the US and Europe, and its impact on how each side see the privacy questions.
And the far more hand's on kickoff list is very valuable too.
On a side note, I would have put less bullet points on the slide or make them appear one after each other to keep the link with the talk.
Thank you for this talk, looking forward to implement some of the ideas presented!
Thx for pointing out all hurdles I had to overcome implementing API's. And mostly what I can do to help my own software to be a better citizen in software land.
The content of the talk was intresting. A lot of feedback across a journey that is not so obvious. But the form to speak about was a bit too "scholar", adding a bit of fun or more in a story game, would help this talk to be far more intresting!
Very clear insights on the way the Zend Engine work internally, and the challenges linked to every steps of the transformation of our PHP code to opcode.
The exercises were pretty good at making us delve inside the C code, without requiring a very deep knowledge of C.
Very good insight and challenges to assumptions.