The deepest desire of a developer on the first day of work is to be assigned a task to complete.
Or not?
We are not cogs in a machine; companies are communities of people and do not thrive on efficiency alone. I will tell you about how the HR department at SparkFabrik has organized the recruitment, onboarding, and support processes, drawing from our experiences as developers.
I'll show what we have done to streamline, optimize, and make our branch transparent. We will discuss the still-open challenges and some elephants in the room that, in my opinion, are increasingly ignored in discussions in this sector.


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The talk is still in progress and I feel the urgency to already rate it and give five stars. Paolo is inspiring and is giving precious hints about company culture, hiring, onboarding, and retaining people.
I'm loving it.

A really inspiring talk 👏

Lots of useful tips. I really appreciate the emerging problems part because "hey we're cool but noone is perfect".

Some inspiring takes.

Marco Ruffoni at 17:27 on 18 Mar 2024

Very good talk