It’s time again for the Dull Stack Engineer, the Engineer who knows what’s running on his platform, focusses on servicing the business and not just his need of new and fancy tooling, the engineer who collaborates with his peers rather than running Docker because it’s the cool thing to do.

Over the past 8 years, the DevOps movement was the stimulant to create a large number of new tools, lots of them open source, some not. A large number of those tools got announced as the ultimate #devops tool, think about Puppet, Chef, Vagrant, Docker, Kubernetes etc. and a lot of the developers and operations folks jumped on these tools. Often, even to a point where the tool was more important than the goal.

Then came the idea of the Full Stack engineer … like the person who does kernel development, front-end development and everything in between.

But now it’s time for the Dull Stack Engineer, the Engineer who knows what’s running on his platform, focusses on servicing the business and not just his need of new and fancy tooling, the engineer who collaborates with his peers rather than running Docker because it’s the cool thing to do.


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Good talk

Punto di vista pragmatico e che da luogo a riflessioni utili. Probabilmente tra "Full" e "Dull" la strada maestra sta in mezzo : )

"it's called bleeding edge for a reason". TOP