Talk comments

Very informative overview of the progress in the CMF project. I'm looking forward to see in in action. It seems that the project contributors are doing a good job to build a high quality framework.

Very good speaker and presentation.

Very informative talk although the common thread wasn't obvious right away. It was more like stringing together the mentioning of some libraries.

It was some very useful stuff in there. I will definitely take a look at the Composer since dependency management is a hot topic in my company at the monent.

I'm also very enthusiastic about the way Symfony will change the way we will develop web apps very soon.

Am Anfang hat mir der rote Faden ein bisschen gefehlt. Die Aneinanderreihung von Test-Frameworks ohne Angaben von Stärken und Schwächen oder persönlichen Erfahrungen mit Ihnen, fand ich nicht so hilfreich.

Des zweite Teil über das Arbeiten mit der console etc. hat mir super gefallen und bringt mich in meiner täglichen Arbeit sicher weiter.

Danke für den guten Talk!

Presentation was well-structured and fluidly presented. Suggestion though: Discuss more potential drawbacks of code generation techniques.

Thanx for the presentation. The composer stuff was really interesting. Also thanx for giving your opinion about Ruby.

Fresh presentation style, thumbs up for the demo

Great presentation, great topic! Thanks

Very fast paced talk about the state of the CMF

Very fast paced talk about the state of the CMF

Good talk, also some points mentioned where a bit to obvious for me.