Talk comments

I really got a lot out of this talk. It was great that in the time after the talk, we had the ability to work through what you had presented, and you gave me some personal attention to help me with it.

My one suggestion for improvement would be this. If you'd like for us to follow along, get people connected to wifi, logging in to various sites before the speech, so we don't have this gap in the middle where everyone's trying to get prepared.

This was a great introduction to OAuth2. Joseph's talk was reasoned and applied to a varied audience. Even if one is not a PHP dev, one could have gleaned some good information out of this talk. The slides were very good and the illustrations were professional-grade.

This was a good talk for a hack night. Doing anything that requires setting up a local web server ([LAMP variants, vagrant, etc) takes time away from the talk, so it was nice that we had the additional time available.