Talk comments

Dusan Lukic at 13:03 on 2 Nov 2016

Nice overview and some interesting ideas mentioned.

Dobra tema. U potpunosti se slažem da bez ulaganja u svoje znanje ?ovek propada.
Ono što je bilo nepotrebno, s obzirom da je samo prvi govornik bio stranac (pretpostavljam da su svi gosti bili "doma?i"), je predavanje na engleskom. S obzirom da ti engleski jezik nije još uvek najsjajniji. Mislim da bi pri?a imala mnogo više smisla da si na srpskom održao predavanje.

Kratak ali dobar osvrt na middleware segment. Koliko god da je teško usaglasiti neke standarde, oni ipak olakšavaju život programerima (barem onima koji ih se pridržavaju).

Short but a good overview of the middleware segment. As much as it is difficult to agree on some standards, they still make life easier for developers (at least those who follow them).

Good topic to open the eyes to people who think that money can be earned over night.
There need to be a lot of work put into the side project and you never know if it will be successful or not.

Damir at 23:56 on 1 Nov 2016

Good advices especially for young or people who want to improve.

Damir at 23:48 on 1 Nov 2016

Really surprised what they said - that you are speaking for the first time. Some people have talent :)

Damir at 23:47 on 1 Nov 2016

I think you should make more points. Interesting anyway.

Ivana Matic at 07:19 on 1 Nov 2016

Thanks for very useful advices. Great talk!

Ivana Matic at 07:09 on 1 Nov 2016

Very motivating talk. Thanks Nemanja!

Really liked your talk very inspiering!