LOAD (Linux Open Administration Days) is an event geared towards Linux sysadmins and people interested in linux administration in general.
Sessions | |
00:17 | |
00:18 |
Sessions | |
10:25 |
Jane Curry |
Gratien D'haese |
11:15 |
Jane Curry |
13:15 | Building scalable Web on Open Source technologies Maciej Dobrzanski |
Henrik Heigl |
Building and Maintaining RPM Packages Jos Vos |
14:15 | Building and Maintaining RPM Packages Jos Vos |
Zentyal, Linux small business server Jorge Salamero Sanz |
Frederic Hornain |
15:30 | Single sign-on with Kerberos and LDAP Wouter Verhelst |
Dimitri Vanoverbeke |
16:30 |
Sessions | |
10:00 | LDAP for Linux Admins - a lightning course Andrew Findlay |
EU member states' interoperability impossible without vendor independent PCs Gijs Hillenius |
Frederic Hornain |
10:50 | LDAP for Linux Admins - a lightning course Andrew Findlay |
OpenChange: a Free Software implementation of the ExchangeRPC protocol |
bdesmet |
11:40 |
Ywein |
13:15 |
Milo Oostergo |
Rebuilding Enterprise Linux Distros Jos Vos |
14:15 |
Milo Oostergo |
CentOS: Beyond distribution engineering kbsingh |
Marcel Nijenhof |
15:30 | What is OPSI and how this helps managing Microsoft Windows ? Benoit Mortier |
Fabrice Flore Thebault |
16:30 | What is OPSI and how this helps managing Microsoft Windows ? Benoit Mortier |
Kenny Gryp |
ToshaanBharvani |