Talk comments

This talk was very entertaining. I would definitely recommend.

However, it felt like there were two talks here: One about RDBMS best practices and concepts, another about the relative strengths and weaknesses of different DB types.

There's plenty of material to split these topics and turn one good talk into two great ones.

Dave Pooser at 14:04 on 8 Apr 2016

Very solid session. Lots of history, would have been nice to get a little more "how to implement things today" info.

Aweosme talk, great perspective, entertaining and valuable.

Simple is good! Great info.

Colin O'Dell at 13:54 on 8 Apr 2016

A great overview of the different approaches to logging different types of data efficiently and effectively.

Great talk on how and why to use workers and a nice rundown of one way to do it using beanstalk.
Will certainly be using this information in the future for scalability.

Pretty great talk
hilarious slides, good examples, and a great overview of SQL basics

I only saw 3 things to nitpick - first of all sql and no sql dbs are moving fast, you should do some research on the new features of both (that are blending things into "newsql")

Although Postgresql has the black box json, it ALSO has fully queryable and indexable jsonb. Mysql innodb has key value store support. sql server 2016 has json support, and as others have noted, F1 is really more of RDBMS and NOsql had a baby.

secondly there are some really distinct types of nosql with very different usage - that would have been great to go over a bit (document dbs vs. key value stores vs. column dbs vs. graph dbs vs. multi-mode dbs)

Finally PLEASE do not mix up sql query abstraction with db api abstraction

pdo only abstracts the api calls - so no matter the db you have the same PHP methods that you use to access and query the db it won't translate your postgresql query into something mysql will understand

there are additional dbal (database abstraction libraries) as well - but those are not designed to abstract queries and are never drop in replacements for changing the database

Then there are sql abstraction layers (doctrine, propel, etc) that actually provide sql query writing abstraction

Two different tools, two different uses :)

This is a great topic. I really encourage you to make some improvements to this talk and deliver it again.

I would have liked for the focus to be on WHY not HOW. I found all of the code examples and demo unnecessary. These details exist in the Slim documentation and can be found by people who want to implement this pattern. Additionally, much of the talk involved Docker, but this tool is not necessary for micro services or Slim. A separate talk on Docker might be worthwhile if you are passionate about that tool.

It would be better to focus on the architecture of your applications and ecosystem, with examples of your micro services. What do they do? How do they interact? What are some pitfalls of this approach?

Great presentation. The tone was like one of a pleasant conversation among a small group. Speaker paced fairly well (despite a late start requiring a rush through the ending), spoke confidently and clearly, was obviously very empathetic with the audience, and made the already-informative content entertaining.

Woody Gilk at 13:50 on 8 Apr 2016

Excellent presentation for creating offline workers. Really good recommended stack (Beanstalk, Redis, and Supervisord) for getting up and running quickly and reliably. A slightly deeper dive on how to use separate queues for separate jobs would have been nice, but perhaps not possible in the time allotted.