If you’re into to Laravel, you’ve probably already tried out the basic MVC features. What you probably haven’t gotten to yet is all of the amazing features that make Laravel truly a “full stack” framework. In this talk, we’ll cover queueing jobs, send emails, search, browser tests, event broadcasting and more. This will be a great crash course on letting Laravel do the heavy lifting for you, and making sure you know what it’s capable of so you don’t accidentally reinvent the wheel.


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Perfect not only for laravel beginners (like me), but could also reveal hidden gems to long time users who did not suspect how easy it is to add the described functionality.

Eric Leversen at 10:44 on 21 Apr 2018

Josh gave a great talk. Very approachable and informative. Would like to see a deeper dive but the time did not allow.

Jason McGuire at 13:05 on 21 Apr 2018

Learned a lot and the speaker was great!

John Taylor at 14:43 on 21 Apr 2018

A well done and dense look at Laravel capabilities.

Al Bunch at 15:42 on 21 Apr 2018

I'm a Symfony developer, only having looked at Laravel in passing. Based on this presentation, I'll be taking a closer look at Laravel for some of my future projects.

Great energy - covered many of the nice features Laravel provides out of the box while keeping the audience engaged.

Surprisingly funny, entertaining talk. If you're looking to get buy-in to the Laravel ecosystem from your team/boss, Josh makes a great argument. It came off a little fanboy-ish at times but in a funny way.

Good content and overview. Loved the examples. Walked away itching to try out some of this stuff.

Bill Condo at 11:25 on 23 Apr 2018

Good pace, content, and delivery.