You've taken the plunge and your organization is fully immersed in Git... Great! But now the hard stuff starts creeping in. Your team is growing, becoming more diverse and distributed. It's time to level up. This tutorial will walk attendees through a number of real world scenarios and how they might be handled using Git on the command line. This is not an introductory workshop, so come prepared with some basic understanding of version control with Git including staging (adding), committing, pushing, and pulling changes. We'll cover many topics including branching strategies, amending commits, resetting, using the stash, cherry-picking, and merging versus rebasing. Attendees will come out of this session with a better grasp of how to use more advanced features of Git and some new strategies to take back to the office.


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M at 17:06 on 22 Sep 2017

Just great. Thanks so much for doing this - it's really valuable. Actually doing the work in-session helped me learn a lot and get comfortable with things I "knew."

I think you could shorten the "what is git" stuff at the beginning a bit, given the requirements. I recommend just choosing an order for the second half and not letting the audience choose. Teaching us how to deal with the detached HEAD problem that came up would have been a great teaching moment too since that happens to all of us. Maybe work a deliberate one into the next time?

Again, thanks!

Excellent talk, with great examples that he guided you through in a way that way easy to follow along with. Doing it as an interactive demo worked really well 95% of the time, although it could have used some polish to avoid parts where he had to say, "Wait, what did I do? Oh, let me quick fix this," which doesn't inspire confidence. Overall though, it was a great "Git 102".

Great talk, super helpful walkthrough of commands! The work in-session helped me understand the workflow better. And Jordan's a wonderful speaker who's easy to relate to!

Thanks for the informative workshop, learned how to use some new git commands that I'm going to start using a lot.

Julka Grodel at 20:19 on 23 Sep 2017

Lots of great content! I wasn't sure I'd have much to take away from this talk, as I'm very well versed in git, but I learned valuable & time saving stuff. I'm most excited about the flags for git log I never new existed!

Great talk, Jordan is a super competent speaker, interesting and funny. I improved my grasp of concepts I'd taken for granted (e.g. git reset) and ones I'd avoided (cherry-pick). Oddly enough, Jordan made it clear before the conference and at the start of the talk that this tutorial would not be an intro to git, and then he started with an intro to git. Granted, it was laying groundwork for some of followed, it seemed like a quick reminder "git is distributed - see?" would have been adequate. More importantly there were a number of times when Jordan made a mistake and got confused, and then we the audience got lost as a result. Probably just need to practice the sequence of commands a few times. This is more like 4.5 star talk, only giving 4 because everyone else give him 5.

Ed Barnard at 10:25 on 25 Sep 2017

This talk was exactly as described. That's a good thing! This was about basic usage hitting the real world. I did NOT know, for example, why merging and rebasing do not mix. I thought this played quite well as a workshop/tutorial. Jordan: Consider accepting PRs for your sample code so that you have a mix of contributors. Then you won't need to pop over to a second repo for the more complex examples. I found EVERY example you showed to be enlightening. Thank you.

bekee gibson at 10:54 on 27 Sep 2017

I was worried that I wouldn't know what was going on because I've been using SourceTree (primarily) for a couple of years, but that knowledge actually helped me visualize what was happening when using the cli commands. I did lose the follow-along aspect early on, but I think I retained enough just watching.

I certainly have more confidence now to start breaking up with SourceTree, especially after learning about bash_profile aliases. :)