Talk comments

A nice overview of the debugging process that should be used when dealing with Magento. Some nice tools described but I would have liked to see some demonstrations to back up the theory.

A nice overview of how Magento2 will help the community. Some technical issues but Ben dealt with these like a pro.

A perfect talk for showing a programming technic that was new to me, but that I know I should work towards using. Left the talk wanted to stop what I was doing and try out what was shown in the talk.

A good overview of the best practices with working with Magento. Stepping through some "bad" code and showing how to refactor with best practices was a really good way of not only talking through but demonstrating how and why we need best practices in Magento.

A well presented talk that made you think about how you do things and if you can improve on your own processes.

A nice talk that not only showed a problem but walked through a solution.

Well presented with clear takeaways and a good pace throughout the talk.

It was a shock to me as someone who does not really focus on the front end that I was really interested in this talk. It was well presented, included simple topics and clearly came from real life experience.

Not only did Yousef do a great job presenting this topic but he also did well in giving the audience takeaways that they can start to work with from the next day in the office.

As always a thought provoking and well planned talk from Vinai. Not only did this talk include the theory behind the principles but also easy to follow examples that will help anyone understand and put into practice what was discussed.

My only negative point was that he ran out of time at the end.

A wonderful overview into the history of the fight for composability in applications built in Magento. It was great to see how far the community has come and what applications have been built to help out here. It was also good to have a overview of how the future would/could/should look with regards to Magento 2 and composability.

Well presented and prepared this was a super talk.