Talk comments

Great to see a hosting provider take the lead in testing a new major version to see which best practices they need to apply to get the best out Magento 2.

Nice number where aggregated and could be shared. Also for merchants a good talk because it tells why migrating is so important.

`composer --require-dev talk/peterjaap`

Clear talk about composer basic usage which you really need to understand if you are gonna work with Magento 2.

Thanks for the insights about how we as a developer can help our customers to plan a migration to Magento 2.

I knew it was his first time on stage.

So to go up first, for such an audience, he gave a nice talk, kudos!

What can I say; if you hear Magento stuff from first hand. Passioned talk about Magento 2 and why we should stay in it's strong community.

And there is a strong community you can make up from the next talks which are presented by the dutch community