“Clean Code” is code that communicates. But how do we write "clean code"? In this talk we’ll look 10 simple practices that will help you write code which communicates. We’ll see how each one reducing complexity and improves readability. We’ll also look some of the common “Code Smells” in PHP and the refactors to clean them up. Don’t worry though, we’re not just going to “talk”. All of these practices and refactors will be done with live coding demos to show you all of the little steps involved so you can start cleaning up your own code.


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Chock full of excellent refactoring tips and techniques with excellent, thoughtful reasoning.

Mike Baynton at 10:56 on 9 Mar 2019

The majority of the talk was specific code examples and this is a good thing! But, there was some discussion of why doing the stuff matters / is worth my time and energy, like the basic truth that code is read much more than it's written, and if I want my code to be a success, it needs to be easily approachable to other programmers. The rule of three idea / not getting too abstraction-happy is also very relevant to me, thanks!

Great talk, awesome tips, and lots of interesting information.

Noah Bratzel at 12:28 on 10 Mar 2019

I love this talk. Makes great points that should be considered even for teams that might not agree with every aspect. I could have used more info on how to automate the code style enforcement. It’s a great idea to “automate” it, but I’m left wondering how to do that in my work flow. The guard clauses could have used more arguments for why that might be an improvement over single returns. I think there’s more contention on that point that could have used discussion.

Jason McCreary (Speaker) at 10:12 on 11 Mar 2019

Added some links to the "field guide" as well as videos available on YouTube for additional learning.