Talk comments

Really liked this distillation... very intuitive result, and the path leading to the result does help the mind walk that path.

Great talk. I read the ADR Paper on github first and this was a great summary and explanation. Now I'll go back and read again with a better idea of what to look for. Thanks.

There is so much great information within this presentation that I am going to have to watch it a few times just to make sure I grasp everything Anthony is trying to relay.

Anonymous at 09:40 on 28 Jul 2014

Great talk by an awesome presenter. I've have previously watched Anthony's videos on youtube and he is always very clear, concise, fun and hits his topics on the head. Awesome work.

Fantastic! A very different approach to looking at OOP which makes perfect sense once it sinks in and you get that "Aha!" moment. It's a heady topic, but Anthony's presentation style and concise examples made this a very manageable introduction.

Fantastic. I wish I were more conversant in the latter half of the GoF, but the concepts were clear regardless. This talk will change how I code.

As always, Anthony cuts to the core of what we are trying to do day after day.

He disects the current body of knowledge, rearranges it, and through that movement - like an artist - makes something new without changing the actual pieces. I'm not sure if this talk can be absorbed in a single session, but it most certainly inspires and invites to play around more with the concepts he introduces. 5 out of 5.

The slides are available on slidethare - but as this is a longer talk originally, here's the link with the additional slides:

PS: thanks for the feedback.