Talk comments

I know the talk was about the type system but, giving the language is not so popular, a brief introduction on it would have helped.

The talk fulfilled the title and shows how the language can shape a type only to accept well formed data but maybe the example is a bit too detailed.

As far as I understood, In the ending part of the talk it's shown how the hanoi tower can be implemented in a command line application where all the work done to make the input be acceptable to the data structure is kind of repeated (in logic) to do the acceptance of the input in the UI. I see this as a repetition and I've like to have some treatment of this subject: bad and good practices on what is necessary to shape in the type system and what in the business logic.

For the one interested in the language it gives a good overview. As a suggestion for next talks: for me it has a bit difficult to understand "lifetimes" concept and the introduction of the Iterator has been a bit quick (my questions have been "is an iterator an interface ? How the syntax of this "Iterator for" is working?...) I would also add some minutes on possible field of action of the language, ecosystem and (beyond mozilla) some noticeable usage of rust in project.

BTW The talk has been very good in presenting the language and raising my interest on it!

The talk is recommended to every developer and it's highly recommended to every developer who wants to understand what functional programming is and why it matters.

The speaker had been really comunicative and funny and it's been a pleasure to attend his talk.

A very important subject nowadays and very well explained.

A good overview on open tracing and logging, monitoring and tracing in general.

A nice introduction on the Alexa programming world.

Interessante vedere Xamarin, conoscere l'esistenza di Flurl.