Talk comments

I will be posting my talk up here :

Anonymous at 21:02 on 4 Nov 2015

Very interesting to see how far it has come. Going to take another look at it now.

Thanks to everyone who came along to the talk, I was really impressed with the turnout. There was a lot to fit in, so I appreciate it was a fast paced session! I hope it gave you at least a taste of what I see are the benefits of ZFS.

I had a few questions after the talk about ZFS on Linux. To confirm, it's no longer just in userland, there is a kernel port available and you can find out more at:

To answer another question, it is also possible to use ZFS as your boot device in Linux:

The best way to build yourself a dedicated ZFS storage box is to use: as you get a GUI to help you. There's a new interface on the way that should look a lot better.

Have fun!

p.s. this site is forcing me to rate my own talk so I'm going for a nice neutral 3 :-)

As a fellow podcaster it was really interesting to find out how the publishing workflow of another podcast, and really useful to find out the value of publishing to YouTube.

After the talk a few podcasters gathered together to chat about the tools we use, and hopefully this will lead to a more generically useful version of Stuart's script being produced.

Awesome to see a live podcast recording again at OggCamp. Slightly disappointed that it was a rehash of the podcasters panel and the follow-up response in the morning.... but, it had new content, and people are clearly concerned about the content.

Worried that as there was nothing in the audience (which they would have had on the main stage) then the views of the 50-ish people there won't be represented on the show, but I don't know how they could have resolved that. I tried to record it on my phone to put on YouTube, but ran out of storage! Sorry!

Generally good content, and good Q&A from the audience. Might have been slightly better if the presenter had spoken slightly louder, and seeing his demos would have been awesome.