The Big "Why Equal Doesn`t Equal"Quiz


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Amazing speaker. It was clear from the beginning that she had a ton of experience. Seemed very comfortable on stage and even handled a slight technical error with the microphones like an absolute professional. As for the talk, it was great. The crowd responded unbelievably well and everyone enjoyed it. It takes a lot of talent to get the crowd that active as the last talk on the last day of the conference.

Tough questions, I think everyone learnt something.

I know nothing. That's what I've learned from Juliette.

Anonymous at 20:36 on 6 Oct 2014

Juliette presented very well - she was the last speaker on a three day conference and had bunches of energy to share.

Her talk was enlightening - I consider myself (and am hired as) a senior PHP resource but failed her test hopelessly.

I think my takeaway is how difficult writing cross-server code can be and the importance of having a reference open, even when using simple fundamental functions.