Mutation testing: better code by making bugs Do you test your code? What about your tests? Your tests are code, you need to write, refactor and maintain them. This is not cheap so how do you make sure you are testing enough but not too much? Discover Mutation Testing, a fun tool to make your code better by introducing bugs.


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Jeroen v.d. Gulik at 19:06 on 22 Sep 2018

Great explanation of the WHY of mutation testing and the HOW

Marat at 19:06 on 22 Sep 2018

Great talk an very interesting topic.

Cool talk about a very interesting thematic ?

What can I say, just added Infection to a current project. Have been wanting to try this for quite a while. The talk explained some important details.


Ike Devolder at 16:47 on 23 Sep 2018

I have nothing usefull to add,

great talk, well delivered (even though you warn everyone for your English, everything was understandable).

Great talk on mutation testing. The introduction felt a bit long but is needed to get a better understanding what mutation testing is all about. The story itself was good structured and easy to follow along. Well done.