Talk comments

Some really useful tips. Really encouraging talk to to make me want to start going for it and doing my own.

Jon Adams at 10:56 on 7 Oct 2016

I enjoyed the talk and the speaker was great - enthusiastic, confident and knowledgable on the subject.

I feel it focused a tad too much on the business benefits, which isn't a bad thing but I felt there were not quite enough technical detail for a developer-based talk. I would have liked to have seen more features and code examples.

well presented. Good info and not to overloading. Explained it all really well. Thanks!

Chris Sherry at 09:07 on 4 Oct 2016

This was an excellent talk, and had I known before hand I would not have thought this was Ian's first time speaking in front of an audience like this. Ian's pacing was really good and the structure of the talk's content flowed nicely through the talk.

The talk was a little short, which is better than it being too long, there's some room there for some more code examples for next time.

For the slides, I liked the simplicity of the slides, which helped keep the focus on what Ian was explaining. The slide theme needs to have a bit more contrast, some of the subtitles were hard to read.

Thanks for speaking at PHPDorset Ian!