Talk comments

Lee Boynton at 15:23 on 13 Aug 2016

A fun exercise which may have helped people find others who have experience in certain areas. Thanks Andrew!

Lee Boynton at 15:20 on 13 Aug 2016

Could clearly see the passion Andrew has for this subject as the talk kept my interest despite my lack of knowledge of electronics. I found this background information interesting, though not necessarily required in order to understand what you can do with a Pi and the PHP library.

One suggestion would be to zoom in on the terminal to make the commands being run easier to read.

Pretty much a quick survey (as it says on the tin), but interesting to see what others are using (which I guess is the whole point of the talk). Nice - thanks Andrew :)

Seen this talk before, but it's already packed with new & interesting content. Andrew's delivery is always spot on.