Talk comments

Анна at 12:50 on 18 May 2019

Спасибо большое за доклад! Смотрю ваши видео-лекции на вашем ютуб канале, как мне показалось, вы очень здорово прокачали свои скиллы в ораторском искусстве, доклад звучал очень бодро, по дело, очень много успели рассказать за такое короткое время. Мини-нюанс, возможно, можно было бы убрать пару функций и реализаций из второй части, чтобы немного сократить доклад (успели бы вопросы позадавать), потому что в целом идея была понятна.
Хотелось бы чтобы Вы рассказали побольше про Use Case, чтобы проверить, правильно ли я поняла вашу идею.
Может быть вы планируете выпустить пост в блоге на тему Use Case, просто несколько примеров, как организовать классы, один UseCase - один метод или один файл и все такое, думаю многим будет интересно поглубже копнуть в эту сторону.
Спасибо еще раз за доклад!

While I was aware of some of the meta files you can customize to make code completion better, I wasn't aware of some really important details that Kirill was talking about. Definitely useful for anyone working with PhpStorm and well presented.

Awesome content. The black magic we know is nothing compared to THAT. Also, well-presented. One of the best talks I've listened to in a while.

Unusual use-case for PHP and a good intro to ML overall. Arkadiusz used Russia-specific data sets to make the point and it worked. At this point ML with PHP is slow but with PHP 7.4 FFI and Dmitry Stogov bindings for TensorFlow it could turn into another real use case for the language.

Internals of PHP from the person who makes it faster last years. Quite deep talk with lots of low-level detail but still interesting for non-C people working with userland PHP. Well presented.

About the userland PHP near future from the person who makes it possible. Must listen.

PhpRussia2019 was really good! We hope you enjoyed it :)

Very good talk about some new features for PhpStorm, like expected constants as an argument for general functions, type detection and more. Thank you!

I had a unique ability to look at assembler source code during the talk about PHP! Have so many crazy ideas about "proper" usage for FFI, opcode preloading and much more. Very inspirational talk with low-details about PHP engine from the first person. Thank you for making PHP faster!

It was very educational talk about new PHP7.4 features. Talk about PHP from the first person like Nikita always give you a lot of food for thoughts, so we discussed a lot after this talk.
It was my pleasure to meet your in Moscow!