PHP Annotation


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Anonymous at 13:06 on 7 Oct 2013

This touched on many of the practical uses for annotations (e.g. dependency injection, data modeling), but the presentation seemed to tread lightly and stop short of really making a case for them -- this may have been your delivery and not the content itself. Contrast this with Rafael Dohms' presentation on annotations (several recordings are out there), which makes a strong argument for them.

While there were a lot of code examples of annotations in use, I think devoting some slides to how the various parser implementations work is called for. Based on the slides, I saw a bit of the Reflection API, but not enough to create my own annotations. Perhaps the slides were focused on Laravel's implementation, but the annotation examples also didn't cover some of the complex values/parameters that Doctrine's parser allows for (e.g. named parameters, nested annotations for things like an array of database indexes).

Mentioning PHPUnit as a long-time user of annotations (I believe they use their own parser) would be great as well, since many developers use things like @expectedException and @dataProvider without a second thought, although they might be hesitant to use annotations in their own application code.

As a recent adopter of annotations for more than just phpDoc, this confirmed for me that there is a serious place for annotation as more than just decoration.

I believe there should be a clear distinction on where annotations could be misused and would like to see such examples mentioned in the talk.

I think this talk went much smoother than your keynote as most of the sound-related issues were gone. You were preaching to the converted in my case, and I felt like you covered the topic well. Could've used a bit more reference to existing prevalent annotation implementations to improve the case for them. Good job guy