PHPSouthAfrica is a 2 day conference to be hosted in the most beautiful city in the world, Cape Town South Africa. It is aimed at proficient developers, new developers and people who care about developers.

Friday 4th October 2013

It was like that when I got here: Steps towrds Modernizing A Legacy of Codebase
Talk by Paul Jones (30 minutes)

It was like that when I got here: Steps towrds Modernizing A Legacy of Codebase

Should I use a CMS or a Framework
Talk by Yann Larrivée (30 minutes)

Should I use a CMS or a Framework

11:30 The Debugging Checklist
Talk by Danny Kopping (30 minutes)

The Debugging Checklist

My Sql De-Normalisation
Talk by Gunter Grodotzki (30 minutes)

My Sql De-Normalisation

14:30 Securing your Web Apps Now
Talk by Stephan Steynfaardt (30 minutes)

Securing your Web Apps Now

Dependency Injection in Legacy Projects
Talk by Alexander M. Turek (30 minutes)

Dependency Injection in Legacy Projects

Saturday 5th October 2013

MongoDB: Dealing with the Unexpected
Talk by Hannes Magnusson (30 minutes)

MongoDB: Dealing with the Unexpected

09:30 Spotting the weak points in your PHP projects. Are your dependencies the chink in your armor?
Talk by Thomas Shone (30 minutes)

Spotting the weak points in your PHP projects. Are your dependencies the chink in your armor?

11:00 PHP Annotation
Talk by Christopher Pitt (30 minutes)

PHP Annotation

11:30 Real-Time Data Aggregation with MongoDB
Talk by Jeremy Mikola (30 minutes)

Real-Time Data Aggregation with MongoDB

10 Signs your project is going to fail
Talk by Yann Larrivée (30 minutes)

10 Signs your project is going to fail

Solving the N+1 Problem; or A Stitch in Time Saves Nine
Talk by Paul Jones (30 minutes)

Solving the N+1 Problem; or A Stitch in Time Saves Nine