I remember being pretty impressed with previously unknown (to me) aspects of MongoDB, and some crystal-clear reasoning about Mongo's place in data aggregation. Delivered well, interesting topic.
I think this talk went much smoother than your keynote as most of the sound-related issues were gone. You were preaching to the converted in my case, and I felt like you covered the topic well. Could've used a bit more reference to existing prevalent annotation implementations to improve the case for them. Good job guy
I agree with Christopher & Jeremy - interesting data, good advice, liked the tooling aspect; great delivery!
Most went way over my head because I haven't used MongoDB yet, but it was delivered well and you seemed confident
I thought you distilled the need for - and the implementation of - DI quite well. All delivered in a smooth Deutsche accent - dig it!
Anything to do with penetration is just fine in my book.
Kidding aside - well done! Sounded like you were out of breath a bit - FYI
A nice summary of the current architectural landscape
Great subject matter and delivery!
As a recent adopter of annotations for more than just phpDoc, this confirmed for me that there is a serious place for annotation as more than just decoration.
I believe there should be a clear distinction on where annotations could be misused and would like to see such examples mentioned in the talk.
Was a little disappointed that my Doctrine comment didn't make you jump into the crowd and start a brawl :)
Very well distilled talk - spot the professional speaker!