What's new in PHP 5.3


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Great explanation with clear code samples of the new features coming out in 5.3. After this talk I am inspired to get a copy of 5.3 and test it and the new features. It is a significant release.

Solid talk with informative code examples. Very clear content despite the large volume of stuff to cover. Nice to hear someone knowing their stuff so open to discussion and new interpretations.

Great talk with a good coverage of the most important changes coming in PHP 5.3

This was a good presentation which covered the topic very efficiently. The content offered little insight over what information can already be found online, but without having to keep up with internals, release notes or RFCs. A solid delivery, with obvious interest in the subject matter from Scott.

Good Presentation, Easy to understand and completely enjoyable.

A really useful overview of the changes in 5.3, well delivered.