Talk comments

Great talk! Despite the fact that it had multiple in-depth examples I thought it also is a very good introduction for somebody who never worked with CQRS or Event Sourcing before.

For someone that has no experience with that development process, I understood 90% of the material.

Rick Kuipers at 20:00 on 14 Sep 2016

The talk was an eye opener and covers a lot of stuff that most other CQRS/Event Sourcing talks don't. It's honest, it's to the point, and you can tell Michiel speaks from experience when he presents this talk. It's quite the deep dive as he mentions at the start of his talk, but it does show the true complexity of dealing with an event sourced application.

As feedback I would say that the code samples could be a little bit larger in font size, I know they don't necessarily matter since it's more about the theory, but when something is very new to you it's always nice to clear things up with concrete examples.

All in all; great talk and great delivery :)