DevOps, it’s a term that has been used a lot lately. It specifically began as a term to define the need for computer programmers, and their IT staff, to work closely together. So that code, releases, and hardware changes all happened together in harmony. It was a movement to raise awareness that the old days, of developers tossing code to the operations team, and then the operations team complaining that the code didn’t work … simply wasn’t not a sustainable model for web development. So much of the code systems themselves now needed to be tightly locked with the infrastructure.

Tuesday 16th July 2013

Rock Solid Deployment of PHP Apps
Talk by Pablo Godel (50 minutes)

Rock Solid Deployment of PHP Apps

Automate Your Local Environment with Vagrant & Friends
Talk by Justin Carmony (50 minutes)

Automate Your Local Environment with Vagrant & Friends

Composer: Game Changing Dependency Management
Talk by Jeremy Kendall (50 minutes)

Composer: Game Changing Dependency Management

15:00 Controlling the AWS Cloud with PHP
Talk by Jeremy Lindblom (50 minutes)

Controlling the AWS Cloud with PHP