How would you test UI of a complex website? A real user experience.
For this to make we will need to write automation scenarios for browser. This can be done with Selenium + PHPUnit or Behat or Codeception.
But that’s just the beginning of a journey! Come to this tutorial to learn about:

using WebDriver module of Codeception for acceptance testing
dealing with asynchonous nature of JavaScript in browser
using Codeception Recorder extension to debug a test step by step
working with Selenium Webdriver API using facebook/php-webdriver library
testing Single Page Applications
different ways to run browser testing on a CI server
and parallel testing


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MySQL was a bit of fiddling. I normally use Vagrant for projects I work on.

Chromedriver had to be downloaded and put in vendor/bin to be used.

Other than that a comprehensive and complete workshop which has clearified a lot about the use.

Nick at 21:01 on 28 Jan 2017

I really liked this tutorial, it was very informative. Though it took a while to get everything up and running.
For improvement I would suggest to either notify in advance to install some critical software before the tutorial or either to provide a virtual machine to use.