Webpack is the fundamental building block of all modern Javascript application frameworks. While being flexible and powerful its plain configuration can be quite hard to understand if you just want things to “work like expected”. Symfony’s opinionated webpack wrapper “Encore” allows you to setup a flexible asset pipeline with 20 lines of code. This talk and its supporting git repo shows some of the concepts and ends up with a fully working Symfony 4 application utilizing a ReactJS frontend.


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The talk was good and informative for beginning webpack users. Explaing why and how to use webpack with encore.

I would have loved a bit more in depth information about advanced usage.

Leon Boot at 10:38 on 28 Jan 2019

Having scratched the surface of Webpack Encore, there were quite a few things I knew, but I expected that. I expected to walk away with information I hadn't figured out on my own yet, and was not disappointed. Thanks!

Steve Winter at 15:12 on 28 Jan 2019

I'd gone in hoping for something more advanced.

While I understood the 'journey' from 'raw' assets to using webpack directly, to encore and the advantages that brings I think that time could have been saved and used to look at some more advanced functionality of encore.