Thanks to our sponsor Kunstmaan, our next meetup will take place in Leuven!

The venue this time is Flanders DC, located next to Leuven railway station at Diestsevest 76, 3000 Leuven. Public parking nearby for those arriving by car can be found in Parking "De Bond". We kick off at 19h00 as usual.

This event is also organized in collaboration with the Symfony User Group Belgium, a big thanks for that!

This is the schedule for the event:

19:00 - 19:20: Welcome, drinks and sandwiches
19:20 - 19:30: Intro
19:30 - 20:30: Bundle up your cms worries: here’s Kunstmaan Bundles! (Kim Ausloos)
20:30 - 20:45: Break
20:45 - 21:45: Refactoring towards Dependency Injection (Stijn Vannieuwenhuyse)
21:45 - 22:00: Raffle, Announcements, Feedback
22:00 - ??:??: Networking and drinks