Talk comments

"Cienie i blaski", czyli to czego oczekuje się od prezentacji o wybranej technologii. Bardzo profesjonalnie przygotowana i zawierająca wiele niezwykle przydatnych informacji. Było miło wysłuchać!

I was pleased to listen to this talk. Completely non-technical and very deep view of the world and business benefits of using open-source. I wish non-technical managers would listen to it. Great talk!

Really professional and fun talk I was waiting for and I not regret! One of the best talks at the conference!

Dużo informacji. Męczyło to jednak po pewnym czasie i prezentacja bardziej przypominała podsumowanie semestru wykładów na uczelnii niż prelekcję na konferencji. Jako ściąga dla osób nie dotykających wcześniej tych problemów - super. Pytanie czy ich umysły jednak nie odpłynęły w siną dal po pierwszych 10 minutach.

Fantastyczna prezentacja, prowadzona na luzie i bez stresu. Wzorowe przygotowanie tematu!

Było dobrze, sporo użytecznych informacji. Spodziewałem się jednak więcej o Symfony 2 i mniej o Amazonie. Brak tu bazy danych w chmurze (multi-master/fail-over) czy kompleksowych rozwiązań typu appfog.

Working with Michaelangelo on his slides for PHPNW yesterday gave me some great ideas on where to take this talk next. Maybe I can show it off to you in January? ;-)

But I'm always going to be pitching you Drupal, too ...

This is a good talk and Jam can really tell a story. That's what I'm looking for in a good presentation: story telling. It was also very engaging and comprehensible.

But ... the talk focusses a bit too much on Drupal. This is no surprise because you're usually doing talks within the Drupal community. I think you can still keep your Drupal hat on and say that you're in the Drupal Community, see things from that perspective, but your examples have to be more diverse (= less Drupal).

A bit more focus on PHP is a good thing, but if you're talking about open source, you should also talk more about other non-PHP technologies: Perl, Ruby, C, C++, hell ... why not even .NET.

But as said: good stuff, a foundation to build upon and I definitely want to see this talk when it hits another iteration. Thanks!

Great talk. Seen it before and it's improving, going in the right direction. The only thing I would advise is to add a bit more content.

Anonymous at 07:23 on 1 Oct 2012

Why was this presentation in English? Speaker has difficulties with that language. Topic was too big.