Podejście funkcyjne w projektowaniu oprogramowania


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Super! Pomimo "hejtu" dot. tej prezentacji t?umacze sobie to tak ?e jeszcze to nie ten target (PHP community).

Anonymous at 10:20 on 3 Oct 2016

Super prezka - myślę że to o czym mówiłeś było bardziej klarowne od mojego wykładu i zrobiłeś mega fajne wprowadzenie w FP zamiast od razu rzucać ludzi na głęboką wodę. Powinniśmy byli się zamienić kolejnością :)
Pozdrawiam, Witek

Tytus Ciunelis at 11:03 on 3 Oct 2016

Super prezentacja. Dzi?ki!

Rados?aw K?ak at 11:29 on 3 Oct 2016

Jedna z lepszych.

While I still don't feel functional programming is better than imperative one, I really enjoyed this talk. It was zealous, well structured and honest. It didn't enforce hardcore functional programming but shown how small elements of it can improve code. (I was using some of those techniques before, not even knowing that it is a paradigm change - I just considered them to make the code look better.) The speaker was well prepared and the slides were not overloaded with code.

Browomir at 21:49 on 3 Oct 2016

?wie?e spojrzenie na phpa

Presentation itself was well prepared and talker knew what he was talking about. From technical point of view it was 5/5.
From other side, I'm still not hurray-optimistic about functional programing in PHP as the way to go until PHP will be more "functional friendly". You don't gain speed, in complicated cases code isn't that readable ... but for fast work (filtering etc) I'll maybe try to do some functional stuff (because why not).