Refactoring hacked


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Anonymous at 23:08 on 2 Oct 2016

Zostalo pokazanych bardzo malo technik refaktoryzacyjnych. Prezentacja w stylu: rafactoring jest i fajnie go mozna uzywac.

michal2099 at 10:33 on 3 Oct 2016

Odnioslem podobne wrazenie jak @Piotr Olaszewski. Duzo mowienia o zaletach refaktoringu i nic poza tym. Dla mnie to byl zbior oczywistych oczywistosci znanych juz nawet dla poczatkujacych programistow.

Two stars for sharing the idea of boy scouts rule and explaining that everyone can refactor on daily basis.
I find it very hard to give negative feedback, but unfortunately that was the only advantage of this lecture.
Your main sins:
1. You refactored just one example too deep, instead of selling us some tricks that are ready to use on different situations, like Fowler's book presents
2. Sadly, you made the code less readable and transparent, you broke some good practices
3. What worried me the most, there were errors and mistakes in your code. Examples: a) missing $developer declaration on second snippet. b) calling "new array()" on another one (array is not an object). c) using archaic syntax (array() instead of []) d) bad formatting
4. Some slides were very hard to read, and you also skipped some of them

I was really eager to go to your lecture, but sadly I came out disappointed.

Rados?aw K?ak at 11:38 on 3 Oct 2016

Ma?y refaktoring ani g??bokie nurkowanie.
Refactoring != Redesign

Tomasz Wójcik at 22:25 on 4 Oct 2016

Where's the "hacked" part? I felt like You were talking about how to name functions properly, nothing more.

I didn't like the part when You refactored "setState(SomeClass::APPLIEAD)" (a setter introduces an intention) to "applied()" (a method which name suggest that will return a bool, same like isApplied()). I would rather name the function "apply()" to still indicate an intention.

Bardzo przyjemnie si? s?ucha?o, dobry sposób prezentacji, sposób mówienia. Sam temat nie by? mo?e super porywaj?cy, ale uwa?am, ?e by?o to dobrze zrobione przypomnienie zasad refaktoryzacji. Plus za to, ?e powiedzia?e?, ?e trzeba refaktoryzowa? na co dzie?, przy ka?dej okazji.