Talk in English - UK at phpDay 2013
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Zend Framework 2 for a Symfony2 user
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a good point of view foreach framework
Very basic, not much new information or practical tips
Good idea and good presentation, but too slow and too little information.
Good for sf2 developers that want to try zf2
Nice overview, given the very tight time constraint (30 mins). The pace was good (given the non-native english audience)
Not enough time, not enough technical details and examples
A good starting point for sf2 devs
No time to go deep in the argument, what a pity. I'm biased too.
Good introduction and interesting topic. Given the time constraint I would have spent less time on the Symfony parts, as it was a talk *for a Symfony2 user*.
Good for a sf2 developer to understand some difference between the two frameworks
I agree with Francesco about the time spent on the sf2 parts
Nice overview and good presentation