Talk comments

Ben is a good presenter but his talk was so basic, not worth this conference.

If I were a beginner not knowing the latest standards I wouldn't get much from the talk either as the code snippets were not explaining enough for beginners. More advanced users got bored quite quickly.

I suggest the talk is marked as for beginners at the least.

I was probably expecting a different content of the talk based on the annotation. However, the overview of some of the strategies used was useful.

Definitely a great choice for an opening keynote.

Marco D'Amico at 12:32 on 16 May 2017

An interesting talk. Thanks!

Nice talk, it needs just some kind of "funny" expedient to explode in term of involvement of the public.

Interesting argument, it wasn't so clear why and how to approach it in PHP..

Nice topic exposed in a nice way. Good job!

By the topic I'd have expected something more "modern", such as stuff related to PHP 7.x ..

The presentation was clear, but too much "plain", too much a mere enumeration.

Too basic for such an event IMHO

Great overview in only half an hour

I expected something more from this talk. I guess that talking about namespaces 10 years after is a bit late to call it "modern"