We have many tools to help us build an application consistently with high quality from code formatting, through static analysis and testing. We can run them locally, but that's too easy to forget, so they really come into their own when we run them automatically within GitHub, and that's what we'll cover in this talk. I'll show you how to set up workflows in GitHub actions to check for all the common and not-so-common items that will make it easier to accept changes into the project and then follow on from there to show how we can also create releases and deploy automatically too. By the end of this session you'll be able to create your own workflows that will automate the your tooling.


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The talk is simple and plain, and by just running trough a list of CI steps Rob is able to give you a lot of tips and suggestions on what to do and what to improve in our CI workflows

Very nice, I would have loved more examples of special/rare use cases for GitHub actions. Also, I would love to explore the idea of executing GitHub actions locally and therefore use the same pipeline to check everything locally instead of Make (https://github.com/nektos/act)

Sarah Savage at 11:35 on 17 May 2024

For developers who have never used or are newish to GH Actions, this is a great primer. It provides useful beginner-to-intermediate points that help developers understand the capabilities and requirements of GH Actions.

Samuele Lilli at 12:17 on 17 May 2024

A good overview of the possibilities offered by GitHub actions.

Great collection of tips and tricks when using GitHub actions.

Really great talk. I am sure we all added a Todo for at least one task not present in our workflow. Nice overview of what's available!

I took pages and pages of notes, and my gallery is full of photos of your presentation. Definitely a lot of insights. I will try to do a lightning talk based on this experience. Thank you very much again.