In year 2000 when PHP 4 just came out, we had functions.php and when it started being big we made functions2.php. When object orientation came out we renamed our databasefunctions.php and put a class around it and called it OOP. PHP by then, was not very mature. I by then, was not very mature. The community by then, was not very mature. We have come a long way since then! We now believe 12 year old girls on the internet are not FBI agents. We now have type hints, and namespaces, and composer! We have all matured. Let me share my story of amazing technology that changed my life. I will also share some horrible community experiences, and the awesome ones that kept me going. Let’s keep growing, because we never really stop.


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Very emotional, a great start! ❤️

Noemi Mancini at 10:25 on 16 May 2024

I want to thank you so much for sharing your experience.
Your advices are pure gold for the PHP community.

Daniel Leech at 10:38 on 16 May 2024

Great key note about growing up with PHP and it's community. It highlighted some negative experiences of entering a male dominated communities while also embracing the current PHP community and presenting the need to evangelise PHP to the next generation.

Michelle Sanver shared a beautiful life story, telling how she grew up with PHP.

Milana Cap at 11:37 on 16 May 2024

It took a lot of courage to give this talk. I'm glad it happened and I hope it will help change things for the better. Thank you so much for staying in community and letting us know you ❤️

Very involved and personal opening keynote. Highlighting and remembering to everyone how often minorities (and women in her examples) are not well treated when entering male-dominated communities like tech ones is always important.

Lorenzo Sequi at 18:02 on 16 May 2024

It was beautiful, exciting and also moving, even without code or theory explained also these talk are very important: we are people before programmers!

Mario tilli at 18:57 on 16 May 2024


Sarah Savage at 09:18 on 17 May 2024

Loved Michelle's talk.

Unexpected starting talk with a true life story, thank you very much for sharing your experience with the audience!

I really liked the personal touch. It was emotional to hear your story. Thanks a lot for sharing ☺️

Thank you for sharing your experience. It was intensive and emotional.