Creating current time information in code is rather easy by calling time() or new DateTimeImmutable() directly when the information is necessary. But that then makes the code a nightmare to test. In this session we will see how the new PSR-20 allows us to change that by still making it easy to generate current time information but also allowing one to test the code. And we will get some background info why it was designed in such a way.


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Daniel Leech at 17:55 on 16 May 2024

Important lessons in testing time and insights into how one can distill a ClockInterface!

Very funny and nice talk, which guides the audience through the process that led to the creation of the clock interface

Milana Cap at 17:56 on 16 May 2024

Andreas' talks are always insightful and entertaining. Filled with code examples, clear explanations, and humor.

I enjoyed it very much 😊

Awesome talk, the educational value of the process to build the clock interface exceed the PSR-20 argument, it was very interesting, thank you very much.

Lorenzo Sequi at 18:05 on 16 May 2024

Very interesting, nice and stimulating, great talk!

Noemi Mancini at 09:13 on 17 May 2024

I loved this talk, both for the content and the exposition.

Samuele Lilli at 09:39 on 17 May 2024

Nice talk for a nice topic which I, too, care a lot.
Speaker delivered in a great way.

The perfect final talk for closing a day, well balanced between entertainment and content delivery. T-shirt reference is the icing on the cake point!

The approach of having a step by step iteration of the codebase that leaded to the final standard with explanation all along was fantastic. Thanks a lot ! I think you could give more insight about the timezone discussions and topics that slowed down the final approval. Anyway I really liked the talk!