When was the last time you tested code in production? Your own website doesn’t count. Conversations with the Terminal, or WP-CLI for PHP developers, is the sequel of WordPress through the Terminal talk, focusing on a set of commands and tools useful for PHP developers. This is not just a live demo of WP-CLI commands. This is zooming out and seeing WP-CLI in collaboration with other tools in the context of PHP developer needs and everyday tasks. We’ll probably release the Kraken as well.


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The idea of the talk is nice and interesting, I would suggest to keep code examples available without internet to avoid getting stuck and losing rhythm 🙂

Lorenzo Sequi at 18:16 on 16 May 2024

Interesting talk, but I would have preferred focusing more on the many capabilites of the wp-cli instead of focusing only on exporting the user list...

Noemi Mancini at 09:06 on 17 May 2024

The topic of the talk is interesting, but I would have liked to see the use of the CLI more extensively.
Despite the hitch of the demo, Milana's brilliant presentation saved the downtime moments. :)

No doubt that the presentation was good and well executed, unfortunately if you have a basic knowledge of what WP can do you can't appreciate too much WP-CLI characteristics and strengts in a short presentation

Thanks for the talk. I was a bit disappointed by the nature of it. I expected more global overview of the wp-cli features. Also the demo was probably targeting an audience of less experimented developer imho. I would suggest you to prepare the code in advance and spend less time on it. There is probably a lot more that you could show us regarding this tool.