Driving Quality with PhpSpec


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Michelangelo van Dam at 17:36 on 28 May 2016

A nice overview over the main features of phpspec.

Robert Šorn at 17:45 on 28 May 2016

Very good overview and a "bait" for phpspec!

Conviced me to use phpspec.

I expected more deeply diving into phpspec, and more vivid talk.

Srdjan Vranac at 10:13 on 31 May 2016

A good overview of PHPSpec, I have been waiting to use it on a new project for quite some time.
And I wish less "given that user visits \ then bla bla bla" examples in bdd talks, and more of the
business logic examples, as those actually show the true purpose of bdd approach, and can help
me and other people to grok is better