We will look at the most (intentionally) insecure website ever created, and work out how many ways we can hack it - discussing each approach, with a quick demo, along with ways to fix the problems.


If you want to run this insecure website on your own computer (it's PHP based), then feel free to checkout/download this repository:


I'd advise you to not look in the "/public/security/answers/" folder until after the talk - only because it covers everything I'll be talking about.



Comments are closed.

Enjoyed the whistlestop tour. Good recap and reminder.

Lucia Velasco at 21:24 on 18 Oct 2017

I really enjoyed this! Absolutely a one stop shop for the beginner developer - everyone has committed these crimes earlier in their career! A lot of content for the amount of time (not that that's a bad thing!) - I would have enjoyed some section titles and at least one mandatory cat picture for a brain break! Thank you.