Talk comments

David Lumm at 11:16 on 14 Apr 2022

This talk barely scratched the surface and I'd definitely like to have heard some more, I'd quite happily sit through a main talk from this speaker. I'd love to know a bit more about why you might want to use NLP, as much as how you might use it. I'm not sure how much time the speaker took, but it didn't feel rushed, if anything it felt too short.

David Lumm at 11:14 on 14 Apr 2022

Interactive, engaging, interesting. Some interesting topics and thoughts from various areas brought together in an excellent and short talk. The speaker seemed nervous, but needn't have been, he was a natural.

A good little insight into Natural Language Processing. Well presented and accessible to the novice with clear slide.

I liked the speaker. The fact that the presentation was shorter than the first also helped.

The speaker managed to explain things in a way that people like me (who are not from the area) can understand. I enjoyed learning more about the RAT test.

Also, the speaker managed to make the presentation interactive.

David Lumm at 20:13 on 13 Apr 2022

A lot to take in! I'd love to have some more examples of why you might want to do this, which situations this is well suited to.

There were lots of useful and applicable examples though.

Speaker could do with slowing down a bit.

Very interesting presentation. Despite working in the area of ​​Economics and Business, I understood the oop process better. I believe that this programming tool is valuable, not only in ecommerce companies but also in other areas.