Talk comments

Drew McLellan at 19:51 on 12 Sep 2018

Enjoyed this! Maybe some real world anecdotes might enhance it by making things more directly relatable to each audience member, and not just something to academically agree with.

Matt Adshead at 19:51 on 12 Sep 2018

I think the main thing this lacked was focus. You talked about: things that make good communities, things that make good coding communities in particular, specific people from the symfony community and things they've done, how to behave well within communities. However points from these categories were scattered about in no particular order in a meandering fashion, so the talk didn't feel well punctuated. Plenty of good sentiment, but a lack of good structure. I'd focus more on Symfony specific aspects, and less about the nature of communities generally, as this is stuff that most people are fairly familiar with. I enjoyed hearing about specific members of the community and stuff they had done, and more stuff like that would give the talk a more tailored and unique appeal.

I was pretty cool to hear about the Symfony community. I expect most of what you said applies to other communities too.

I think you should read out the quotes you put on the screen. Otherwise you have to wait for people to read it themselves, or they have to read it while you're talking about the next thing.

Great talk, perhaps more visuals, bit more practice on talk, it's about there