Talk comments

Tom Metcalfe at 19:58 on 9 Jan 2019

Enjoyed the talk. Learned a couple of really useful bits about PHPUnit too.

Suggestions for improvement are very minor. I'd go faster over the acceptance criteria slides. No need to read them fully.

Would also have the string concantination ready to copy paste rather than type out. Only as a pacing thing.

I liked your message. ?

I think it would have been good to use data providers in your unit test examples as it would show people that it's easy to create tests with multiple sets of inputs. With your current examples, people may get the impression that you have to copy and paste single-line tests to cover a lot of different scenarios.

Lucia Velasco at 19:57 on 9 Jan 2019

I love your subtitle. I'm interested to know what got you on CNN!
I like the big text over big uncluttered images.
I like the analogy of someone who actually tries to break physical cars. V relatable.
I like calls for a round of applause, it's good to see audience engagement.
I like the recognisable format of your test cases.
I'm glad you gave the example of a good fail (airbags) and a bad fail (explodey killy) because I think many people would think that crash = fail and not think into failing gracefully.
I thought that going through the different "facetious" test cases was a bit slow, but then your humorous summary made it perfect. I thought the line "I've done my job, I can go home now" was hilarious!
A bug I had recently that was more unexpected to me and an easy mistake to overlook, was a numerical field that accepted any valid number... Including octals, hex and binary. Test to break caught that...
Thanks for teaching me about assertSame!
Thank you!! I love this subject and the truth is that test to break is really fun to do!

Rob Wilson at 19:50 on 9 Jan 2019

Excellent talk by Rob. Very open to suggestions for his talk (and a few ideas that I will be "borrowing" for my own talks).

Slides were perfect, and Rob didn't fall into the trap of talking from the slides (many talks do that)?

Brave of Rob to do a 'live' demo, he did very well with it, and the only improvement to this is to have it pre-recorded (pretend to type), and then you don't need to worry about typos or possible errors ;)

Dan Ackroyd at 19:37 on 9 Jan 2019

Replace the “60% of the time” quote with developers looking for bugs under a streetlight