PHP 7.0 is old news; PHP 7.1 is the new hotness. As the first point release in the 7.x series, 7.1 sets the tone for future releases of the highly successful PHP 7. PHP 7.1 is an even more feature-filled release than 7.0. Join me and walk through what’s new in the most exciting release yet.


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Great discussion on 7.1 and it's feature set

Brian Carcich at 10:56 on 25 May 2017

Superb. Your content and delivery are quite a fire hose; I love it.

I apologize for chatting with my daughter in the back. We were debating whether a string should be an iterable.

Btw, in accordance with her keynote, for the

if ($thestring[-1] == '/') ...

slide regarding negative string indices, I think it that would be better as a [while], although there might be an edge case for a string of all slashes.

John Hackett at 11:30 on 25 May 2017

Davey did an amazing job covering the new features in 7.1 and discussing some things to look forward to in the future. And yes, I am now following you on Twitter :-)

Great talk by Davey on the history of PHP features, new things in PHP 7.1, and what is yet to come. I enjoyed the code examples to compare old from new. The Q&A at the end was also excellent and Davey answered questions thoroughly and with a deep understanding of the subjects. Great talk!